
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Garden Cloche's" Dirt Cheap"

   When my family and I went to Colonial Williamsburg on vacation one year, we stopped into there little garden area that they have set up in the historic town, so you can see how they gardened in the 1700's. I have so much fun in that section but I think I am the only one who does because I will be looking around and next thing I know everybody else is gone and I am left alone. Trust me its a very neat place. Maybe I will do a post and show some of the pictures from there. 
   Anyway! What I was getting at was this is were I was introduced to these big glass bell's that were setting over the plants. I ask what they were and she told me they were "garden cloches", I had know idea what she was talking about. So she explained, that they help make your growing season longer by allowing you to plant earlier. A mini greenhouse if you will! I thought that was awesome! I have to have at least one, maybe even two, But oh my were they expensive! Almost $100.00! I thought there has to be cheaper ones but even the others get costly.  I remembered what my grandma and great aunt used to use and they didn't pay that much. They used old gallon milk jugs! Dirt cheap and that's for me. I also use plastic juice containers since we drink lots of juice! I have also used full row mini greenhouses made out of plastic. 

All of these work but you have to allow them to breath in the hot part of the day!

Step 1: Clean out Jugs

Step 2: Remove labels and cut bottom off, don't through bottoms away, you can start seeds in them!

Step 3: When ready to use place jugs over plant and place a little soil around the bottom to hold it in place.

Step 4: When the temperature gets to warm just remove the lid to let the hot air out.

And there you go dirt cheap garden cloches made from recycled plastic jugs. Have fun and if you have other Ideas please post and let us all know!


  1. But the glass ones are so much prettier!

  2. I know, would you buy me some next time we go to Williamsburg?

  3. Why sure! When are you taking me? During Grand Illumination next year so I can attend the needlework seminar?

  4. Eric andi were just talking about williamsburg. When is grand illumination? I may check on rates tomorrow from my friend I buy timeshare from... love this idea btw

  5. Glad you enjoyed it. I miss Williamsburg so much It is a fun place. We just can't afford it right now, wish we could. I am glad you liked this Idea, you could use pop bottles as well.Keep checking in weekly for updates. God Bless!

  6. Hello anonymous!! I think I know you! You guys need to go, but don't go in the hot part of the summer if you do. Grand Illumination is either the last weekend of November or the first weekend in December just depends on how the weekend falls. It's when they kick off Christmas with all the decoration and lighted cressets and fireworks. I want to go because they have a big needlework seminar but you are required to stay at a certain hotel and I don't like that.

  7. Great idea. I have been hoarding juice and milk jugs to recycle, but this makes more sense to me. Thank you!

    1. Welcome Heidi, glad you stopped in! I have another post about how to store them coming up. So continue to stop in, I am gonna try to tract my garden a year.

  8. I love the idea of finding a way to have what you were looking for on a budget. I don't begrudge anyones wealth, however we don't all have wealth. I have such respect for creative budget friendly solutions. Great job.

    1. Thank you for stopping in. That is something I have been trying to do is save money. I am gonna post more as the growing season goes on. God Bless!

  9. I use empty canning jars. They don't blow away in the winds that we have here (35mph on a regular basis). I use the jelly jars 94 oz.) in the very beginning, and half-pint jars as the plants get bigger. It also keeps the bugs and birds from eating your seedlings! I have experimented with them, and they triple the growth of not using them.

    1. Thats a great Idea Prudent! I bury my jugs a little so the won't blow away. Thank you for the tip and for stopping by. Hope to see you again. God Bless!

  10. I also use water containers..the big hard plastic blue ones that go in a cooler. Sometimes, the company has them returned damaged or they don't pass the test to refill and sell to the public. Mind you, one must be careful taking off the bottom to use as cloches as the plastic is quite strong. Nice and big though.

    1. That sounds like they work great though. i would love to see those!

  11. Oh great history. I love the milk bottles, they are perfect. Thanks tons for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  12. I took this same picture at Williamsburg and a similar one at Monticello. I was thrilled to see all the REAL cloches. I don't think the ones we buy for decoration could hold up to the elements.

    I use a plastic pot plants come in to protect from time to time. Glad to find a gardeners blog.
