
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Calming The Storm"

   I know that we need to pray often. But I am asking each of you that believe in the Almighty God to set forth just a few extra special minutes this evening to pray for a few different areas. First we all have loved ones that are sick physically and spiritually. Second, we need to pray for our Nation in general! Also with the horrible shooting that happened at the school in Ohio, we need to be lifting up all of those involved. We also need to be praying for all those that are being hit by tornado, massive snow and flash flood type rain. Please pray for their protection! There are many other needs I know and if you have one in particular that you would like for us to pray for and you feel safe to post it please feel free! All this In Jesus Name we pray!

Psalm 107:29 He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

This blog is linked to:
Rural Thursday #5 Blog Hop


  1. Thank you so much for praying for my husband. He is home, recovering, and living proof that prayer works!

    You are so right about needing to lift each other up in prayer and especially our country right now. Christians need to pray without ceasing during these days.

    I appreciate this post because it rings so true to my family!

    The Way Grandmama Does It

  2. You are so right. It is horrible to not be able to send our children to a place that should be most sacred and protected from those who are evil. However, this world that we live in cannot escape such horrible events; our hearts go out to everyone directly impacted. It's every family's worst night-mare, to have a child in the family impacted by brutality of any type. I pray for God to cradle each person impacted by this tragedy and to help our society wisely prevent such things from happening again. And, may God's love provide the coping that is necessary for this terrible event. My heart is saddened.


  3. Consider it done! During Lent we are focusing on prayer rather than giving up a habit. So very much need for it right now.

  4. This is an important post, Clint. I'm glad you called upon God's people to pray. I'm reminded that Jesus said, "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

  5. That shooting in Ohio was such a terrible thing :-(

  6. A lovely image and sentiment, Clint. Thank you for sharing. :)

  7. When we pray it also makes us whole.

  8. Beautiful shot! Love the reflection!

  9. There are so many people suffering now, so many tragedies and disasters, and people are struggling everywhere to make ends meet. I believe that there is power in prayer. Sending prayers from California.

    1. And if you think of it, we are such a spoiled nation, we don't go through what other countries do!
