
Friday, February 24, 2012

"The Jethro Bodine Gardener!"

                                         "Grammar Police Make A Hit On My Blog"
  My wife asked me this evening, "Do you proof  read your post's on your blog?" I threw out my chest and said, "Why yes I do, why do you ask?"  So she started reading down my last post and I started realizing that oops maybe I do read over them but I do it really fast. I said Well that was just a couple of mistakes, she said, "Let me keep going!" My daughter and I laughed so hard as she kept reading. Of course I still was in denial of how bad it was, so she kept reading and we kept laughing. At one point I even put my head down in my shirt to try to hide from all of the shame. You have to understand, this is good old entertainment around this house. Dad always gets picked on, its all out of fun though. 
  At one point my wife said that I should just tell all my new friends that I was from another country and had really bad choppy English. Then my daughter said, "See dad that's why you shouldn't have had the cheerleaders do your homework!"  Hey, I thought it was a great idea at the time, lol! By this point of the conversation we were all laughing red faced. Then my wife said, "Maybe you should just change the name of your blog to The Jethro Bodine Gardener!" Oh my! I wish you all could have been here it was so much fun. 

 Then to top it off, I was trying to type this out before I forgot and my wife was sitting there talking to our dog, Maple. She was rubbing her leg and talking in the dog talk voice (I'm sure if you have a dog or cat you know what I mean). My wife saying in the dog talk voice, "does me rubbing your glutious maximus feel good Maple?" Well I started typing out what she was saying to the dog, and as you can imagine we all laughed over that one saying it probably said, "glaucoma maxi-pads", ROFLOL! I love my family, they keep me in line. I guess I have to be slower and proof read a little better now.
  I hope everyone enjoyed our little story from our family, we have moments like this quite often. But it always seems I am the topic of why everyone is getting such a big laugh. That's okay, It draws our family a little closer! By the way, my wife proof read this post!

Linked up with:
White Wolf Summit Farmgirl
Dandelion House
Friday Photo Blog Hop 

Job 8:21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, And your lips with rejoicing.
Psalm 35:9  And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD......


  1. Naw dat rawt der is funny, tell ya wut. I'm glad y'all had a good time about it, that's what counts. At my household I'm usually the one getting laughed "at" which turn into "with", just gotta laugh about it. I've noticed your writing as your wife put it, but I figured you were a tractor/farmin' boy who quit school in early on. LOL

    1. This is all so much fun! I really am a tractor/farm boy, didn't quit school early but I did have the cheerleaders do my homework. That was a perk of being a football player! lol

  2. Your post had me laughing this morning! Thanks for starting my day this way!!

  3. Hi Clint! I usually find my mistakes after I've already posted my post. What we laugh about quite often is how smart phones, computers, etc change words when they "auto correct"....My hubby texted "okey dokey" to me and the phone changed it to "parkway foley" we just say parkway foley when we mean ok!! It's good to laugh!

    1. I read this to my wife and she busted out laughing!

  4. Too funny! I have really enjoyed reading all of your post.. errors or no errors! Hope you have a super day!

  5. Glad your wife read your post. I didn't want to say anything, but I was kind of curious.
    It's actually better to have someone else correct your writing, or write it out and then look back at it later before you post.

    Speaking from experience. ;)

    Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a blessed weekend. ♥ :-)

  6. Laughter is the best medicine for everything. I didn't catch nary a spelling error in your post- Kudos to the wife!

  7. Well, your wife done good. No typos I could see. Funny, ya know, how I can proofread something twice and not discover a mistake until weeks or months later. Hmmmph!....I must be human.

  8. You should see my old blog that I had just to update Jim while he was in Iraq. It was a mess and I typed things so fast with no proofreading. So busy taking care of Newborn twins plus 5 kids on my own at the time. They all laughed at mine too Did not realize so many other people were watching then Ha Ha...

    1. For some reason I can't get whats in my brain to my figures. I guess thats why God has given me the gift of gab! lol

  9. That was hysterical. That's why I always proofread my blog posts before publishing them :) :) Oh, and I'm glad that your wife helped you proofread this post :) Greetings from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  10. Now the world thinks I rub my dogs but, LOL!

  11. I always say it's good to laugh at yourself. Everyone else is so you might as well too. Ha Ha. This reminds me of my conversations with my husband. He's hard of hearing so our conversations can get interesting. :)

    1. Yes you are so right, I love them picking on me though.

  12. That's a great story - sounds a lot like the kind of things that happen in my family. Fortunately I a big fan of the Beverly Hillbillys and Jethro is my favorite character so I'll be back often to hear more.

    1. They really like to pick on me but don't let them know I enjoy it! Glad to meet you!

  13. I'm uually the one in our house that get's poked fun at to Clint! EVery family needs one of US!!! lol!!!
