
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Planting Early and Trusting!

  Do to the unseasonable warm weather this year, yesterday I did something I have never done in February. I planted some of my Garden outside. Now I did plant crops that will with stand the weather we have been having. I just hope we don't get a big freeze and if we do, Oh well! I will keep the cloche's and row covers handy just in case though. The seeds I planted were a couple years old anyway! I planted Swiss Chard, Salad Lettuce and onion seed. I guess we will see how it goes. So like anything in life that we do, we must prayerfully do it and trust God! We just have to remember sometimes it is in God's will for us and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes we want things that the Father knows would be harmful for our lives. But in all things we do, even gardening, trust God that what ever happens is in His will for our lives.

"Trusting God doesn’t give us an excuse to idly sit back, doing nothing. Praying to God and asking Him to help doesn’t allow us to be lazy. We need to trust God and do our part in the strength and guidance He provides." ~ Karl Graustein
Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. "


  1. Clint, thank you for your visit and kind words,I have realy enjoyed your blog with my tea this morning' I'm like you this afternoon I'm planting my lettuce,spinach and seed onion we will pray that we are blessed with early veggies or laughter on jumping the gun.... lol

    1. Amen to that! Thank you for stopping by, hopefully get a head start on things! But we will probably be laughing...

  2. Good luck, God willing. Have a great day!

  3. We are having a really mild winter this year. So I going to try to plant a few veggies early this year and put then under plastic.

    1. I doesn't hurt to try. I am gonna start year round gardening this year anyway. So why not start now?

  4. Clint, I'll keep the faith for you! I'm anxious to start " broadcasting" too! Good luck! Will watch your progress!

  5. Thanks Deborah! Also, I think I might have a give away, how would I do that and advertise it?

  6. I certainly hope your not jumping the gun, we are liable to have winter here in March and April.

  7. The beauty of from seed gardening is that if for any reason things don't work your investment is small enough to allow for another try when the weather is consistent. I love to grow my garden. I totally understand why you can't wait. I wish you good luck and great greens.

    1. Hello Tamatha! You are so right, They were left over seeds as well, so that's even less of an investment! Come back, I think I am gonna do a give away?
