
Monday, March 12, 2012

"She Found Her Green Thumb"

  I wanted to say how proud I am of my wife for finding her "Green Thumb". You couldn't understand how great this is unless you had lived with her all these years. Everything else she is great at but I couldn't begin to count the endless plants that we have thrown out because of the death that they suffered or years of violets never blooming. But here for the past year or so, things have begin to change. Plants have been growing, getting greener, violets have been blooming and nothing has died. I am gonna post a link to her blog so that you can see the pictures of some of her plants. You can also see one of her other many talents as well, Click: Maple Cottage Stitcher: "Bloom!!!!"
  Even the picture of the Violet at the to of her blog is hers, look at how it is blooming! Good Job!!!

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  1. Replies
    1. We both needed a place to store our interests!

  2. LOL! I am really the worst plant caretaker there is. I neglect them terribly. The only thing I did different was to put them in a room that gets morning light because apparently plants need light to grow, imagine that! I guess they also need water, and that is no easy thing to do,one would think it would be. Some of my plants need more water than others. My Jade plant needs very little water as I found out when I overwatered it and almost killed it. And sometimes I forget to water them and the poor things lay down and play dead to get me to water them, except for Mr.Jade he could survive the worst of draughts. I have no idea how I have kept two children alive, good thing I take better care of them than I do my plants.

  3. Congratulations to her on finding her green thumb!

  4. Congratulations to both of you. I empathize with your wife though, I still have a black thumb when it comes to houseplants.... I'll have to read and learn from her what she's done to improve their longevity. Have a great day.

  5. Such a cute post and so happy to hear she has been successful! It's fun that you both blog. :)

  6. Clint, thanks for linking up and linking back to the party. You are welcomed anytime and so is your wife. Those that blog together stay together, you know. I'm glad she is growing plants successfully because it is so rewarding when things work out. No doubt you are a good influence on your wife. ------------ Shannon

  7. I can totally relate to this. I've never had much success with plants. Last year was my first try at vegetable gardening--my husband and kids made me a raised bed for Mother's Day. It is such an awesome feeling to actually eat tomatoes that we grew, and my kids are learning so much from helping out with the garden. I don't even try to keep live plants in the house, though!

  8. Yay, congrats to your wife! I'm a pretty good and conscientious outdoor gardener (except I never put tools away properly -- or improperly), but I completely lost my ability to take care of indoor plants when children came into our lives beginning 26 years ago. But now that we are down to 2 teens in the house, I have successfully kept an african violet and a christmas cactus alive for the past year.

  9. Beautiful! And, I have to say that Blessed Assurance is one of my favorite hymns.

  10. My wife is also a non-gardener (so far), but she is a brilliant cook, so we have complementary skills. And like you, we both share a love of blogging.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, BTW. I hope to be able to provide you more inspiration as the year progresses!

    1. Thank you Mark for stopping by, and I look forward to learning from each other as well!

  11. that's a very good thing! lol
    glad she's getting the green back to her thumbs...
    Thank you so much for sharing your garden with my Friday Flaunt this week...I do hope you will link in again soon!
    This post is being shared on my Tootsie Time Facebook page too just so you are aware.
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

    1. Thank you for stopping in and following! I will link up more, God Bless!
