
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Aprils "To Do List"

  I am a little behind this month with my to do list for the month of April and with going back to work tomorrow, after being of work for 5 months due to shoulder surgery, it is gonna be a challenge to get posts up and going! I am tossing around the idea of trying to get some help! Anyway Lets see what the calender has in store for us from The West Virginia Dept. of Agriculture!
Calendar For April!
2..... Seed Swiss chard and carrots (outdoors).
3..... Seed onions, beets and radishes (outdoors).
4..... Plant cabbage and kohlrabi.
5..... Plant potatoes and raspberries. Seed beets and kale (outdoors).
7..... Seed or plant broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower (outdoors).
9..... Plant blackberries. Seed parsnips (outdoors).
10... Plant or seed Swiss chard. Plant fruit trees.
11.... Plant peas and seed radishes (outdoors).
12... Apply crabgrass control.
13... Plant collards.
14... Seed leaf lettuce (outdoors).
15... Bed sweet potatoes for transplanting.
16... Fertilize lawn. Seed or plant collards. Seed late tomatoes (indoors).
17... Plant perennials.
18... Start compost pile.
19... Remove row cover from strawberries. Loosen mulch on strawberries.
20... Refresh mulch in landscape beds.
21... Plant peas (outdoors). Transplant leeks.
23... Seed new lawn.
24... Seed Swiss chard.
25... Seed carrots. Plant sweet corn.
26... Apply pre-emergent landscape weed control.
27... Plant summer-flowering bulbs.
28... Begin spraying fruit trees after petals fall.
  And get more Bible study and prayer into your schedule Click Here to listen to Sermons!


Psalms 1:3 "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."


  1. That's quite a list! Always so much to do in spring - I feel like I'm perpetually behind!

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    Gardening is always a long list of things to do! The secret is not to stress out if you don't complete it - there's always next year

    1. Yes it sure always is a long list! Thank you for stopping in and please come back!

  3. That's a lot of stuff. Good luck!
    And good luck with work. Hope it goes well!
    God bless. ♥

  4. That is quite a list. I found that if I put reading the Word and prayer first, my time seems to's one of those mysteries....:)

    1. Amen to that! Putting God First is the important part!

  5. You aren't planning to be busy or anything, are you? My goodness, what a list! I admit to being a bit behind now myself..maybe I need a list as well.

    1. I will try to get what I can done. My work is from 6 a.m. to 545 p.m. so we will see!

  6. Clint you are one busy man. I hope work goes well and that your shoulder is better. Thanks for posting all of the information love your blog.

    1. That you Dolly, work went as well as expected! Shoulder a little tired but The Lord will help!

  7. I can adopt your to-do list!!! That will save me time! It's perfect except for parsnips. Personally, can't do parsnips, but maybe! Maybe I could sell them at my farm market. If not, there's the chickens!

    1. There are not many people that would have at the market so you maybe be able to corner the market!

  8. Thanks for visiting me! Wow, your list is definitely full! I pray you'll have sweet grace to get everything accomplished.

    Hope to see you back at my place sometime.

    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you Beth! I sure I will be back, I really enjoyed! I will do what the Lord allows!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Glad to hear you are on the mend. New to homesteading!Hope I can pick your brain. May I ask where can I get spray and what type of spray do I need for fruit trees? I have mulberry and apple.

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Melinda and thanks for commenting! If I cant answer someone here I am sure can!

  11. wow, you really have a lot going on this month :) Greetings from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  12. The garden does keep us very busy, doesn't it? It's a pleasure though, especially when we reap the harvest. Kind of like life - we sow, then we reap the harvest of what we've planted. Thanks for your testimony and good luck at work.

    1. It sure is a pleasure Beth! What a good way to look at it, sowing and reaping!

  13. Clint, thanks for coming to the party. I hope your shoulder is recovering nicely. Judging from your jam packed schedule it had better get all healed up soon! It was a gorgeous day here so we got some yard work done. Thankfully my list is is not as long as yours. Hope you have a great week!-------------- Shannon

  14. What a list Clint. I hope your shoulder is better. You, your shoulder, and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

    1. I lets me know its still there, lol! I woke up this morning aching a little. Thank you for your prayers!

  15. It looks like this might be your favorite season! Enjoy your week!

  16. You sure are busy for a guy who just had shoulder surgery!
    Many blessings for a happy return back to work and on getting that list checked off.. I think mine is just as long!

    1. I know, I have some help coming to help on the blog!

  17. You are going to be very busy this month. I am afraid to write down all I need to do this month in list form LOL!

  18. Thanks for the link to the sermons ~ we really like Sermon Audio and are always looking for new Pastors to listen too. Its a great resource online~

  19. Thanks for this! Im in Northern BC so I cant plant directly outside but at least I can get going on the stuff indoors! Thanks- I better get busy......

    1. Yes you need to get busy. Thanks for stopping in and come back!
