
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Using Ammonia in the Garden!

  As you can tell I like to share things that are not commonly shared or have been forgotten about. Sharing things from gardening to Jesus! To me it all enter twines together, He created us and the garden and we try to create as well!
  I bet you are thinking "ammonia?", he is crazier than I thought but really it has a readily available source of "Nitrogen". Nitrogen is needed to encourage leafy plants like lettuces, kale, etc. You could also use it on others such as tomatoes and peppers, for example, in the early stage of growth but stop early so you don't get a good harvest of leaves, lol! What you buy in the store is diluted but you will still need to dilute it more, (1/2 to 1 cup to 20 gallons of water), I usually pore 2 cups in my rain barrels in the early spring and go from there. Another way to dilute is to put 1 cup in a 20 gallon hose end sprayer and spray away! Ammonia is an alkaline cleaning solution. It's made from chemical compounds, which are handy in the garden and helpful with several outdoor chores. Keep some household ammonia in the garden shed and garage. Here's a few ways to put ammonia to work for you in the garden. The smell can also deter larger animals from your garden, trash cans or other areas. I read where you can use it to kill slugs but I have not personally used it for that, YET! You can stop the itch of a mosquito bite. Put a single drop of ammonia directly on the bite to ease the itch immediately. There are granular types of ammonia fertilizers, if you would rather use those. I guess you could clean stuff too, lol! Here is a link to what "Readers Digest" suggests, Click here for other uses!
    Safety first, always wear gloves when using it, it can burn you. Also never combined vinegar or bleach with ammonia or anything containing bleach with ammonia (it releases toxic fumes when you do). Here is all the scientific stuff about ammonia, Click Here!
    There is probably more uses, so please post and let us know. I learn so much more after these post, its amazing! May God Bless each one of your gardens!

"[Jesus] saves His people from their sins. This is His special office. He saves them from the guilt of sin, by washing them in His own atoning blood. He saves them from the dominion of sin, by putting in their hearts the sanctifying Spirit. He saves them from the presence of sin, when He takes them out of this world to rest with Him. He will save them from all the consequences of sin, when He shall give them a glorious body at the last day. Blessed and holy are Christ's people! From sorrow, cross, and conflict they are not saved. But they are saved from sin for evermore."  J.C. Ryle
Linked with:
Garden Life 1-2-3
Homestead Helps Wednesday
Tuesday Garden Party
Teach Me Tuesday
Sustainable Ways #22
Simple Living Wednesday
My Pick Of The Week


  1. Hmm, this is quite interesting.

  2. I had not heard of using ammonia in the garden. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hope you're having a great day, Clint!
    God bless. ♥

  4. If you add Ammonia to your rain barrels, won't its beneficial effects be useless in a few days? I've heard you can't use it with metal watering cans.

    1. If you use colored rain barrels and turn the down spot away from filling it as I do, it want dilute to bad! As for the metal can, I don't know!

  5. I've never heard of using ammonia in the garden. Great tip.

  6. Great post, thanks for sharing.
    I spray it outside our garage to keep the cats out.
    I'm your newest follower.
    Have a wonderful day.

  7. Ammonia.. Hmmmmm.... I have never heard of this but I am sure going to try it. I bet it might even help to keep the bugs away. Thanks for the tip!!

  8. I've also never heard of this. I sure hate the smell of it though!

  9. Thanks for sharing Clint. I just tried the fireplace glass cleaning recipe on the Reader's Digest link and it worked PERFECTLY!

  10. I have friends who say ammonia is wonderful for killing slugs!

  11. I have never heard of this before..thank you! I wonder if it will help deter the million bunnies, ground hogs, that love my garden?! thanks..definitely worth a try!

  12. Very informative post ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  13. Interesting idea, thanks for the tip.. I just became a follower and would a follow back at

  14. thanks for the heads up. sometimes the simplest is the best. Following you now. Linda

  15. I've heard of using it in the garden, but not for mosquito bites. this post in full of helpful information! Thanks, visiting from Terrys Garden Club Thursday hop!

    1. Thanks for the visit. there are many more tips to post!

  16. Strangely enough I included this in a Christian novel I just published, 'Ammonia and the Gardener', but you're right - so few seem to have heard of it. Thanks for a great article and God Bless
