
Monday, May 21, 2012

Whats Growning on around here??? #2

I just want to show you what was growing around here in this wonderful month of May, 2012! It has been very busy, with the garden, yard, kids and going back to a 10 hour day, 6 day a week job! I had to take today off just to rest my broken down shoulder, lol! Well enough crying and on with the show!
Raised Bed of Broccoli, Beets and Cauliflower
Potatoes in the buckets, Tomatoes, Bell peppers and Basil!

Pole Beans, Cucumbers, Yellow Squash and Zucchini
  And just a couple of our pretty flowers from around the yard! Everything is blooming well! Hosta, Day Lillie's, Corabel's, Hydrangeas are starting to bud up. So much going on and very little time!
***To learn more on "Raised Bed Gardening" Click Here! To Learn about "HugelKulture" Click Here! To watch "The Back To Eden" video, Click Here!

Linked with:
Country Garden Showcase
The Country Hop
EOA Link up
Teach Me Tuesday
Cozy House Party
Rural Thursday Blog Hop

Ecclesiastes 3:

1 To everything there is a season,
    A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born,
    And a time to die;
A time to plant,
    And a time to pluck what is planted;

A time to kill,
    And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
    And a time to build up;
A time to weep,
    And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
    And a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones,
    And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
    And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain,
    And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
    And a time to throw away;
A time to tear,
    And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
    And a time to speak;
A time to love,
    And a time to hate;
A time of war,
    And a time of peace.


  1. Howdy Clint and Dana! Thank you for posting pics of your " railroad garden" ... They look great! The rose is beautiful too! Have a great week and take it easy on that shoulder!

    1. Thank you! I am trying to keep my shoulder rested!

  2. You have done well! I am trying to grow potatoes in the tower which I first started with dirt and subsequently filled with straw. Last night the cat decided to make a nest, breaking some of the vines. We even had chicken wire over it, they pried it up and jumped in!!! I read that it's ok to prune them but will this unnatural "pruning" hurt my crop or encourage the tuber growth? Any ideas?

    1. That is how i have done them in the bucket, we will see how it goes!
      Potatoes a tough, they will pop right back up or out, lol!

  3. I love the broccoli bed. I have never eaten beets, though my middle daughter (5) picked some out and bought them with her own money. She wants us to grow some. We probably will this fall. It's already in the 90's and I think that may be too hot for beets. (It's almost too hot for me!)

    1. Beets are wonderful, don't let them get to big!

  4. I like growing plants in boxes

    1. My buddy keeps picking on me and saying they are gonna turn out funny shapes!

  5. I love the tour and look at your things growing! Hey Clint what is the bird bottle thing? Is that those bottle trees that I have seen in people's yards or that cute one on the side of your house?

  6. Everything is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.


  7. Look at those great raised beds. Nice to see it all growing isn't it?

  8. Everything looks great, Clint! Hope you have a blessed week. ♥

  9. One of my favorite set of verses- there certainly is a time for everything and everything in God's time. Your plants look great!

  10. Beautiful garde Clint!! Have you grown potatoes in buckets before? I tried last year and only got beautiful green tops with just a few marble size potatoes. Could you like to share your secret?

    1. Thank you! Well I will share my secret if they turn out, my first time trying this, lol! check back from time to time and I will up date!

  11. Thanks for showing your garden at Your Cozy Home Party. Everything looks like it is growing nicely. Before you know it you will be eating some fresh goodies from the garden! Hope your shoulder feels better soon, Clint! How appropriate your selected verses are. I love the poetry of that chapter.-------------Shannon

  12. Your poor body must be worn out, but at least you're doing what you love and what you're meant to do. Who could ask for more?

    All joys to you and yours,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  13. How pretty! Take care of your shoulder and have a great weekend!

  14. You have been busy in the garden...and working a 10 hr day/6 days a week job?? I'd say some simple one or two picure posts are in order :-) Don't over do! God's blessings on that shoulder --- have you ever used arnica gel? I love that stuff.

  15. Such a neat and tidy garden, Clint. Your flowers look lovely as well. Sorry about your shoulder... hope you feel better over the weekend.

    Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week!

  16. Your veggies look amazing dear Clint. Ours are growing too but not quite as far along as yours. I love that you are growing potatoes in buckets! We grew bole beans as well as bush beans last year. But this year we are growing bush beans only. Our peas are flowering and we look forward to the first picking. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop and for your bloggy friendship xo

  17. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop and for your bloggy friendship xo

  18. It all looks fantastic Clint. Take it easy on that shoulder.
