
Saturday, July 28, 2012

"A Bushel and A Peck"

   These days if you ask most people under the age of 25 what a bushel basket or a peck is, they would probably say a bushel basket is something you put laundry in and a peck is their finger touching their IPhone, lol! Well I wanted to just go over some basics here before we get into harvest season for those who may want to understand what they are. These definition's come from Webster's Dictionary:   
   In the United States, a bushel is a unit of volume used for the dry measurement of things such as vegetables, fruits or grains and is equivalent to 4 pecks. In the U.S. Customary System, a bushel is equal to 2,150.42 cubic inches, or 35.24 liter.
   When used as a British capacity of measure, or in the British Imperial System, a bushel is used as both a dry and liquid measure and equals 2219.36 cubic inches or 36.37 liters.
   To better visualize the capacity of a bushel, one can use the following list to get a better idea regarding the actual size of a bushel: 42-48 pounds of apples, 60 pounds of potatoes, 45 pounds of tomatoes, 42 pounds of white flour, 56 pounds of shelled corn, 50 pounds of rutabagas, 48 pounds of barley, 32 pounds of oats, 42 pounds of turnips.
  A peck was used to measure liquid or dry weights in the UK and US. A peck was originally a small barrel which contained 2 UK gallons (approx. 2.4 US liquid gallons) or approx. 9.1 litres. Very rarely used these days.
  A peck is also 1/4 of a bushel and is still used quite frequently in produce markets. Apples are frequently sold by the peck or 1/2 peck baskets or bags.
  The average person may never actually measure anything in a bushel or a peck, but having a basic understanding of this form of measurement may certainly help your next visit to the orchard or farm.

Luke 11:22 “No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light."


  1. Two years ago I bought corn by the bushel and the farm owner actually counted the corn. This year I bought 5 dozen. I need more too. They put it in burlap bags and charged me a deposit of $1.00. When I return the bag, I get the $1 back. Nice way to recycle too.

  2. Good info for those not familiar with bushels and pecks. I have bushel and peck baskets in the barn, waiting for me to have enough produce to fill them up!

    My Grandmother used to say "I love you a bushel and a peck!"

  3. Fascinating information! Isn't it a bit bothersome how things are changing?

  4. Well, I learned something new today. ;)

    Thanks for that!

    Sorry we've been away for a few weeks! We're back in town from a wonderful see beautiful vacation and glad to reconnect!

    Happy seeing beautiful!
