
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bradford Pears Trees, You Can Keep Them!

 You may think of the "Bradford Pear Tree" as that beautiful white flowered tree that lines the roads or long driveways of most newer built subdivisions. Maybe you think of the great autumn colors and how long the keep there leaves in the fall. Maybe you like how the birds are attacked to your yard to enjoy the little treats that they produce. Well, that's fine a good but you can keep them all! At one time we had 6 total planted on our little city lot but do to winds, snow and just their weak splits we only have one left. Its not just us its many neighbors in my neighborhood have had the same luck. Just today, I had to cut down another one! Yes, I agree that they are very pretty trees but they will not last you very long. I would try other trees such as "Purple Plumb", "Dogwood","Crab apple" or if you have to have an ornamental pear, try a "Cleveland Pear".  
  They split easily, they grow suckers, and they have a very shallow root system. As they grow taller, much stress is put on the lower and larger joints of the tree, which invariably causes splitting.Its not fun planting beds around them either, since the roots are so shallow. And let me tell you the stumps take forever to decompose and they shut suckers up off the stump for years to come. So if you have to cut one down, which if you plant one I guarantee you will in your lifetime, be sure to have the stump ground out of the ground (approx. 300.00 plus dollars). The trees may also suffer from fire blight or entomosporium leaf spot, both diseases that can kill the tree if left untreated.So in my opinion, leave it untreated, lol!
  I tried trimming them as the experts say to do. Every Year I would prune them back but Oh know that doesn't work either. Face it, Stay clear of these weak trees. Unless you leave somewhere were the wind doesn't blow, the snow doesn't fall or the rain isn't to long, lol!
  The Bradford Pear tree was introduced into the United States in 1963 by the USDA, having been planted here since after the turn of the last century. They are originally native to Korea and China and I wish they would have kept them! It is a fast growing tree that flowers early in spring before any leaves are born and have a short life because of the quick growth!
  Well I have done what I can to warn you, lol! So now its up to you what you do with the info provided! Good Luck and God Bless!

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  1. Clint, I have to agree with you about Bradford pears. Very popular tree around here and they do look pretty. But other than that, they're worthless! Why folks don't plant something that will provide and edible fruit is beyond me. :)

    1. I know whats up with that. You could be growing something to eat after the blooms leave! Maybe we can start a movement, lol!

  2. Clint, you forgot to mention that they STINK to the high heavens. Not a fan.

  3. Thanks for your review. It's good to hear what someone thinks about a plant or product even if it's not a "good" review of's a time and money saver! I'm a new follower and gardener too. Hope you can stop by my page sometime. Blessings!

  4. An interesting review! I've never had one but do think they are beautiful. However, as you've pointed out, there are other beauties that are a much better, sturdier tree.

  5. I have not had experience with them...but have heard they are a pain in the butt...this was a good read today...thanks for linking in and I hope you will again soon. I shared this post on the tootsie time facebook page

  6. Thanks for the warning, I will be sure not to plant one and tell everyone I know not to bother :)
