
Friday, January 25, 2013

Lets ALL do our part for America's Laws and Squeak!

   I know this has NOTHING to do with gardening but there are a lot of big issues in the country right now. So many people are taking to the social media to try to change the minds of friends, family and acquaintances on subjects that effect our daily lives. Subjects such as Civil Right, Taxes, Gun Control, Human rights, Federal debt, just to name a few! But is using such things such as facebook, Twitter, ect really the way to go about it. Maybe? But why not contact your State Government, Your State Senator and Congressman, the White House and let them know where you stand on the topics important to you. I have and, now I leave you links to make it easy for you to find your person to make known you view. "But will my one voice be heard Clint?" Not if you don't contact them! My dad always said, "The squeakiest wheel always gets the oil first!" You have many rights as a U.S. Citizen, the right to vote and the right to tell the law makers in office your opinion are two of the easiest and most overlooked! Make your voice heard and contact them, contact them often and as you do it, be prayerful about it, God will always help you with the right things to say.
  Helpful Hint: Right your letter in Microsoft Word or an e-mail and save it to file. Then all you have to do is copy and paste, as many times as you want! Squeak,  Squeak!
Also Know your Constitutional Rights and Amendments, Read Your U.S. Constitution here. Read The Proclaimed Bill of Rights here.
squeak v. squeaked, squeak·ing, squeaks

1. To give forth a short, shrill cry or sound.
2. Slang To turn informer. To utter in a thin, shrill voice.


  1. Amen, too many of us are silent. Someone started a debate with me on facebook yesterday, and after much frustration, I have come to the conclusion that no one ever wins the other person over in a facebook debate. Both sides are firm in their stance, it is pointless. I agree we need to speak where it counts, to the people who are supposed to work for us. :)

    1. Yah, Usually we can't change our friends minds. Thats not to say we can't make them question what they believe by giving them fact and statistics and move on. Thanks for you comment!

  2. Squeak, squeak! Wonderful you included the Constitution and Bill of Rights!! Don't be ignorant!!! Very important!

    1. You are so right. I believe many who want to argue with you don't even know their rights!

  3. We are with you on those ideas. We have spent the past few weeks, looking up this information and wrote out some emails to our local represenatives. You are so right.....we need to squeak, and SQUEAK often and LOUD>>>>>thanks for these links.

  4. Amen. My Dad has always written and spoken about such things, and encourages me to do the same.

  5. Thanks for placing these links on your post! I'm pinning this for future reference.

    Thanks for linking this up with the TALU!

  6. This is so true! I worked 8 years for our local Alderman (City Councilman).

    Don't forget your local town representatives like Councilmen and School Board representatnives. What happens locally affects you just as much as what's going on nationally. (Want a stop sign put up? Need a drug house shut down? Want you local schools to stop or start a specific program? These are all things your LOCAL reps take care of).

    In fact, local politicians usually don't run on a party platform so they're more equipped to truly listen to the majority of their constituents - rather than just do what the Party wants. All the more reason to contact them.

    1. You are right. We should contact all government officials!

  7. Great info Clint! I like the list of references. Thanks so much for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop!
