
Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Shadow or not there's still work to be done"

  February is here and whether the groundhog saw his shadow or not doesn't really matter to the gardener. Gardeners have learned through the ages that a ground rodent can't predict the weather any more than the weather guy on T.V. We know that God is the maker of the weather and only He knows what its gonna do! So shadow or not there's still work to be done. That being said here is a list that you can roll up your sleeves on and get to work! Here is February's Garden to do list.
Plants that you can start sowing indoors are:
  • Head Lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage 
Plants that you could sow in an outdoor cold frame or outdoors:
  • Leafy salad greens
  • Seed Onions
  • Other Greens
  • Peas outdoors
Other things that you can be doing in February is:
  • Continue in payer and Bible study
  • Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants)
  • Make sure all your supplies are stocked up, fertilizers, seed starting containers, starting soil, etc.
  • Prune Grape vines
  • Prune Blueberries
  • Prune Deciduous trees and shrubs
  • lime and fertilizers
  •  Order your fruit trees
  I hope this gets you stirred up a bit and out of the house. If I have missed anything please share!

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

Linked With:
The Creative HomeAcre,Clever Chicks Hop,
Harvest Monday, Teach Me Tuesday,Frugal Tuesday,The Backyard Farm Connection, Frugal Days Sustainable Way, Down Home Blog Hop, Wicked Awesome Wednesday, Country Homemaker Hop, Simple Living WednesdayHome and Garden Thursday, Simple Lives Thursday, The Country Garden ShowcaseNatural Life Link up, Thursdays Favorite Things,  Farm Girl Friday, Farm Girl Blog Fest, Clever Chicks Blog Hop, On it, In it and Around it, A Pinteresting Party, Sweet Saturday 


  1. Those tips are great for February. I am, unfortunately, nursing a cold or something with homemade ginger tea. This month is when we get the most snow too.

    1. I sure hope the cold gets better. I am a firm believer in "Vick's Salve".

  2. Many years ago when we bought our farm I had great dreams of starting my own plants and planting them in a garden. Those little seedlings didn't make it.... I gave up and just buy my plants now except for a few seeds like corn, squash, zucchini, beans, pumpkins, etc...

    1. Don't let it defeat you, lol! If I can do it anyone can.

  3. You're so right. I need to start making some plans!

    1. Happy to see you, yes we need to get planning! How is everything on your end?

  4. Thank you for the reminder to start my seeds this month Clint! xo

  5. You are so right! I need to start making some plans.

  6. Great list, very helpful. And so true, the shadow doesn't give a break to us gardeners!

  7. Clint, your list reminded me to do several more things I'd is to order a Montmorency cherry tree. Thanks for the reminder. I would love it if you'd always link up your excellent posts :)

  8. This is a marvelous list of things to do! I just received some blueberry bushes and can't wait to plant them, they already have buds! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
