
Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Jell-O "Planting Tip"

NO! We aren't gonna talk about Jell-O wrestling, lol! Just a tip for staring seeds that Grammy told me about the other day on the phone. She said was when starting seeds, you can sprinkle Jell-O in before you plant the seeds! She said it does 2 things: The first thing it does is the gelatin in the Jell-O helps keep moister in the starting mix. The second thing it does is the sugar feeds the plant as it grows. So just a little quick tip for your garden! 


  1. Love tips from "seasoned" gardeners. I came by here by way of Does Everything Grow I was going through your older posts I became quite interested and then I read your About page and was hooked. I will be adding you to my bloglist...and yes, I am a follower of Jesus Christ...I like how you sprinkle and shine not pour and blind!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and the kind words! I love "Does Everything Grow Better..." I visit it often! Please stop in anytime, God Bless!

  2. Thanks to your Grannie ~ wise woman ~ wonderful tip ~ great post ~thanks, namaste, ^_^ linked w/Katherine's Corner

  3. I have never heard that before - great tip! And Jello is inexpensive too.

  4. I've never heard of that before. I didn't know plants like sugar.

    1. @ Lisa and EG- try it out. This what I am trying to accomplish here is to post things that they used in the past but we don't today!

  5. Hi, I'm over from Katherines Corner.
    Glad to learn this garden tip.....and, I've always heard that if you want your vase of cut flowers to last longer, add just a bit of sugar. never knew why but now I think it feeds them, too.
    I am about to link up to follow you....come see me when you can.xo

    1. Thank you for stopping in, please come back often!

  6. Oh my goodness are you serious...This is fantastic. I am planning on building an above ground garden and I will certainly try this. As a scientist...this completely makes perfect since. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW linky party. Hope to see you there.


  7. Adding Jello-o when planting seeds is a wonderful gardening tip, I love it! =)
    Im a new follower from Katherine's Corner Thursdays Favorite thingS!

    1. Hello there Melissa! Thank you for stopping in, hope to see you more!

  8. Grandma's are chock full of wonderful tip's and ideas! I have never heard of using Jell-O in this way! In fact, I just recently heard of using Cinnamon as a Damping off preventative. Who knew one could 'cook up' stuff for your garden before we actually cook the produce from it!

  9. I can see where the jello would help keep the plants moist. Never thought about sugar feeding the plant. Hey!! Whatever works.

  10. What an interesting tip. Never heard that one before! I might have to give it a try next year!

  11. Hello! That's a neat tip! Your blog is very interesting and chock full of info!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, just trying to share what little I know!

  12. Huh! Well, I'll have to try that since I have to start over with my green peppers. Not a one of my seeds germinated. Thanks for sharing, Clint!

    1. My peepers aren't doing well either. I wonder why we both are having problems?

  13. That sounds like a great tip! If I remember I'll give it a try when we plant this year.

  14. What a cool tip! I love it. Feeling a little silly but wondering if I could grow grape flavored green beans.

  15. I agree. Had not heard this. Great tip. Thanks, Clint. Hope you have a blessed Easter. ♥

  16. Thank you for sharing. I had not heard this tip before.

  17. Great Tip!I will pass this tip on to my sweet hubby. He's our veggie garden keeper. Thank you for joining in the hop and for your bloggy friendship

  18. I am so far behind this week that I can't even see straight!!! I am here now enjoying your share in my little party. Thank you so much for linking in this week!!! I hope to see you again soon!!! I am sharing this post on the Tootsie Time Facebook page! Hugs from Alberta Canada!!!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  19. I am so far behind this week that I can't even see straight!!! I am here now enjoying your share in my little party. Thank you so much for linking in this week!!! I hope to see you again soon!!! I am sharing this post on the Tootsie Time Facebook page! Hugs from Alberta Canada!!!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  20. I missed this it is cute idea and will try. Thanks to you and your Grammy.
