
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Q&A Time! Ask Away and Lets Have Fun

   I want to open up a line of Question & Answers; from you the readers on the things that we talk about here at "The Redeemed Gardener". If you have followed for a while you know the 3 Topics that I really enjoy talking about: 1) Gardening 2) Things of the Bible and 3) Family! So if there are any questions that I may answer to do with these 3 subjects please feel free to leave a comment or email me at If the answer is short I will just reply to comment in this thread. If it is article length, I will post it in an article. I hope this is as fun as I think it will be, so here we go!!

"Salvation is the exchange of all that we are for all that He is" ~ John MacArthur


  1. I am about to start my pumpkin patch. The co-op say July is when you plant them. Last year, I had hundreds of vines...1. I didn't get any female flowers..why? 2. How do you keep the bugs off the pumpkins? 3. How often do you feed and water the pumpkins. I really, really want a pumpkin this year...any advice would be truly appreciated.

    1. How much sun are they getting, what is your weather like, and have you tested your soil? This will help with the answer.

  2. Where I am putting this year they will get all the sun they can handle. The weather is hot an humid, zone 8b. I have tested to soil in the past. It's ph is neutral with slight fertility. I have all the supplies to amend. I am going to put black cow in it, and perhaps milogranite to begin?

    1. I will be publish an article today about all your questions.It sounds like you have done everything correct. I'm in WV, so you aren't that far off on temp.
      Sometimes there can be a bad seed crop and it carries over to you. For example, this year I'm having difficulty with Blue Lake Beans, I started using something else and they are growing fine. Hope the article helps!
