
Friday, March 15, 2013

"Get Started Gardening With The Right Seeds"

   Well Finally! Over the past week I have been able to get my hands dirty in the garden. I have been on cloud 9. First last weekend I got all my tomatoes and peppers started and under the lights. And as of today I have my broccoli plants in the ground. Along with turnips, beets, 2 different radishes, spinach and salad lettuce. But I believe I have ran into a little problem, I think I am gonna have to expand and build more raised beds. See the problem is, I want to plant more that I have room for, SO, off to build I go! At the bottom of this article I left links to some of my past article gardening tips for you to enjoy!
   I also want to give a shot out for Botanical Interest Seed Company! All of my seeds that (I didn't save from last season) came from them the past two years. I have had great success with their products! At Botanical Interests, not only is the seed inside our packets the highest quality available, their packets are designed (inside and out) to give you the information you need to be a more successful gardener!
  • Over 500 high-quality varieties
  • Many heirloom seed varieties
  • A large selection of USDA Certified Organic seed varieties (learn more about organic seed)
  • Guaranteed - the germination rate of every variety is tested before we package it
  • All our seed is untreated
  • No GMOs - we enthusiastically signed the SAFE SEED PLEDGE: We do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants

Here is more great articles from "The Redeemed Gardener" on Seed Starting:

"Sink or Float Tip"
"Heirloom vrs. Hybrid Part1"
"Damping - Off 101"
"Jell-O in the Garden"
"Hugelkulture Beds"
"Reaping What you Sow"
"Most Important Seed"

Linked With:
Weekend Whatever, Simply Natural Saturdays, Simply Sundays,Lets Get Social, The Creative Home Hop, Banquet of Talent Linky Party, Monday Funday, More the Merrier Monday,Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Harvest Monday, Teach Me Tuesday, Backyard Farming Connection, Tuesdays Garden Party, Wicked Awesome Wednesday, EOA Wednesday, Country Homemaker, Wednesday Party Link,Simple living Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop, Home and Garden Thursdays, Simple Lives Thursday, Farmgirl Friday, Freedom Fridays, LHITS Linky,


  1. I've noticed some of our farming neighbors have already plowed up their gardens. I was wondering if you bought your seeds local because that is what I usually do. Seems like if one place I buy them at don't work then I get them at another place the next year. Problem is one store might not have this seed but they have this seed so I go to another store and get the seed the one store didn't have. Then the following year I can't remember which store I bought what from! lol I will give this seed company a good looksee! Thanks for the link!

    1. Yes its time to plow. Most seeds I save from year to year, that's the best, cheapest and easiest way to get your plants acclimated to your area! Seed saving is the easiest thing you will ever do and you won't forget where they cam from, lol!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. We are always concerned with what seeds we start with each year.

  3. We really enjoy your blog. We've nominated you for a Liebster Award.

    Check it out:
    Liebster Award Nomination

  4. I'm a New follower from Social Sunday. I hope you have a chance to check out my blog and follow me back at


    1. We welcome you to this craziness Collen. Please share any thing you would like here.

  5. The thing I miss most about living in the country is my garden! I just don't have room where I live now, but we always grow tomatoes. At least, I do have room for a few flowers. Great post. Enjoy your gardening. New follower from Let's Get Social. I love the title of your blog. :)


    1. Thanks for following Kathy! I grew up in the country and now live in the city. If you have an area with soil or if you can build a raised bed, you can have a full out garden. Just check out what I have done in my little are on this blog!

  6. Love the non GMO. I planted all through the winter here and want to try broccoli next year. Love the look of the seed packets too. I love them more than clothes catalogs.

    1. I try to grow as long as I can but we have a few months I can't!

  7. Thanks for the recommendation. I always love learning about new sources for seeds. I just got my first seeds planted last week so I'm right up there on cloud 9 with you!

    1. They have not let me down! Good to hear from you!

  8. I was able to get my hands dirty this past week too. I put in onions, peas, kale, lettuce, swiss chard, cabbage, and carrots. Hopefully some of it (if not all of it) will do well.

    1. Hello Lisa, Its so fun to get our hands dirty. I expect a report on all that comes up!

  9. We, too, have had success with Botanical Interest seeds (especially French filet beans)so this year we've purchased even more varieties. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

    1. I have a good friend that works there, really like them!

  10. Thanks for the tips! I'm a VERY beginning gardener so these are so helpful. Thanks for linking up to Monday Funday!

  11. So much great seedling info!! Thanks so much for sharing with us this week at the Monday Funday link party!

    Take care,


  12. I'm so glad I read your post! I've been gardening for many years, but the past 2 I've really been wanting to get away from hybrids and start collecting my own seeds each fall. Unfortunately, it's really hard to find seeds that are heirloom, non-GMO, and that you can save seeds! I will definitely be looking into this! Thanks!

    1. Thanks for commenting Jamie. Please stop back by often!

  13. Hi Clint, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Thank you for stopping in Chris. Please share often!

  14. So good to know that more folks are supporting the GMO and organic seed companies! Enjoy!

  15. Hi Clint!
    I hope you and your family have been well. My BFF Michelle is visiting and we've been working in the dirt all week too. I try to buy from Botanical Interests and Baker Creek every year. I have the best success using their seeds. Have a GREAT week.

    1. We are doing well! Nothing like spending time with loved ones in the dirt!

  16. Hi! I'm visiting from the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop! Glad I found you, I'm your newest follower! I'm hoping to get my hands in the dirt this weekend (hopefully it isn't still too wet to till)!

    1. I am so glad you have stopped in. You will do just fine, gardening is very trial and error!

  17. Hi Clint!
    Great info :) Thanks for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see your next project tomorrow at:

  18. Wonderful, I do appreciate you sharing this resource - can't wait to get some seeds started for our garden! I noticed at the Southeastern Flower Show most landscape designs had vegetables and herbs interwoven with landscape plants - great idea - I have precious little space myself!
    I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
